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Control Celestron CPC1100 with Skysafari on Android

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Okay lots of past discussion on this topic I appreciate but most of it seems to be about controlling Sky Watcher dobs; so what Equipment do I need and how do I set it all up?

If anybody happens to have pictures of this kit set up on a Celestron CPC I'd greatly appreciate it - step by step instructions would be most useful too.

Thanks for any help


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I notice that no one has replied and although I don't run it on Android (I use it on my Ipad) the principal should be the same. In short, simply connect your pc control cable that came to the scope to the SkyFi cable. Plug one end of the cable into the skyfi and the other into the Celestron handset. Turn your SkiFi on and then check your android devices list of Wifi signals. Select the Skifi Wifi and then open Sky Safari. Under the scope menu simply choose the CPC and then turn the scope on using the normal power switch. When the scope is switched on you can press connect on sky safari and it should connect. Once connected you can test by simply slewing from your phone or tablet using the slew buttons shown in sky safari. You will still NEED to align your scope using the handset but once done you can then use your tablet to select your targets. Note that you don't need to disconnect sky safari etc whilst you align the scope.

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