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Olympus E1 and 200p Dob

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I cannot find this particular question on the forum, so apologies if it is out there and I have missed it..........

I have an Olympus E1 Dslr and a 200P Dob and a 127mm Skywatcher Mak/Cass (goto & synscan) , and despite reading various sites and perusing adverts, I am unsure about the best way to start trying some imaging.

I realise the limitatons of the Dob due to lack of tracking, but reckon I should still get some decent lunar shots maybe? also thought the Skywatcher may prove handy for (perhaps limited) tracking, My question is:

What exactly do I need to connect the E1 to the scope/s? Just an adapter, a T Ring or a Prime Focus kit??? I want to connect in such a way that the scope becomes the lens and focus is done as with an EP fitted.

Any clarification would be appreciated, as I would like to gain some experience of this field before saving up for a CCD if that would prove better. Initially I would be happy for Lunar/Planetary images to work with).

(it is not the micro system on my camera, rather the original 4/3, as I have seen both fittings advertised).

Many thanks


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