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90 degree finder for ETX90

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Hiya, im struggling to find anything to fit my ETX, seems meade have discontinued them and i have spoken to wex and generally had a good surf about (FLO too!) no luck!

I bought a 6x30 skywatcher from wex hoping it maybe i could fit it through the existing fittings, nope!

So i was thinking does anyone have any advice on anything i could do to still use the 6x30 so i dont have to send it back? Or maybe point me in the direction of a meade proper one?

Please help im not sure my knees will make it through many more sessions!!

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Just looked at ScopenSkies Astro boot but nothing there, it is the sort of place one could appear on.

They do make or have an assortment of brackets for finders so perhaps they have one that would allow a conversion.

Telescope House is the Meade importer, have you asked there?

Not sure what the new SnS place is like but the old one at Ely had cupboards and shelves of odd bits sat around and I would strongly suspect there was a few ETX RA finders gathering dust.

One place in the US comes up as having them, $49, then shipping etc. scopeshops.com

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks for the advice ronin, just got a secondhand one from telescope house. Absolutley spot on customer service by them, really impressed as they said they didnt have one but would phone if they got one in, thought that would be the last i heard from them. Nope they rung and sent me it to try before i buy as its secondhand! How many retailers would do that nowadays? Nothing signed or anything just sent on trust. Honestly im really impressed with them and they have a customer for the long term!

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Thats good, it is one of those things that you either find or never get the chance of.

I recall the odd trips I made to ScopenSkies, their place had a few old Meades sat around, some obviously in bits. If you had the chance to browse through some of the draws and cupboards there the assorted items gathering dust was amazing. Sounds like Telescope House have a few items also around.

Have to say they are small finders.

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