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Building up data over several sessions


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Jez I do understand.. I struggled piggybacking my dslr on a Meade ETX125 for quite a while until I saved for the EQ6. So, I'm sure you'll be doing much better with the EQ5 & widefield is the way to go with this. I guess I'm trying to say beware of false economy. Forget most of the other expenditure discussed in the thread so far.. If you are wanting to get serious about AP the next step would be to focus on improving the mounts stability & tracking. You're also right about a heavy mount.. the EQ6 did my back in.. I ended up building an obsy for it... :grin:

I think we have crossed wires here. And Im not sure you do understand me. When i said 'heavier mount' I was referring to its load capacity, not the actual mounts weight, although yes it is heavier. My point was more of an issue with cost and justification of expenditure regarding the use it will get with the weather we get here (and seeing for that matter). Not a lot. And I wouldnt say I am struggling with the equipment, just wrestling with the weather! So much to try and very little time to do it.

Regarding false economy, I dont believe anything else that has been mention in this thread would be FE. And people did explain that i wouldnt need the software unless I changed the OTA, so no expenditure needed anyway. The thing with the other replies is, they were all answering my thread question and giving relavent advice. It does wind me up that most threads end up resulting in the whole "upgrade the mount". Becoming a bit like a broken record.

I think the kit I have is more than adequate for a good few years without having a decremental effect on my learning curve and the need to upgrade the mount too.

http://astrocasto.blogspot.co.uk/ check this blog out. The same gear I have, amazing images.

I appreciate you trying to help, but your posts are off topic

Thanks anyway and sorry for the bitter taste. Just speaking my mind :)


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Apologies for the above rant, Sp@ce_d

It was by no way meant as a personal attack on you :) or on anyone else who recommends mount upgrades, I know this is a very, very valid point. It just got to me a bit yesterday.

I know everything would run a lot smoother if I upgrade to an EQ6, but i just cant afford it, its that simple, so I have to make what I have work for me, for now. As i have shown with an above link, people have, had great success with the eq5/200p, and I would rather get encouragement for the kit I have rather than saying i need to upgrade, if that makes sense.

Obviously, better kit = better results. But I want this journey into AP to be fun, not about the continuous expenditures on better kit. Back in the day they only had one sheet of glass with chemicals on that they had to expose night after night to get any sort of decent image. I am a million miles from those old techniques, so its all good IMO.

Hope I have set the record straight, and there are no bad feelings



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