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EQ3-2 Puzzle


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I have just given my three month old EQ3-2 a chance to redeem itself and have brought it out of the cupboard where it is gathering dust. I put it there out of sheer frustration (I then bought an AZ4 which I love) but anyhow...

I tried the mount a couple of times indoors today. I entered the usual info and tried a one star align just to see how it worked. I used stellarium to give me a rough idea where the star was and it slewed to roughly the right direction. When I tried to park to "home" the DEC was OK but the RA was out (the bar you put the weights on was horizontal instead of vertical) this was despite the position being given as 90 degrees for the DEC and and 00 minutes for the RA. Instead of turning off the power

I checked the position reading in Utilities and found the DEC to be 90 degrees but the RA was on one occasion about 6 hours and just now it was about 12 hours.

I dont understand what is happening here. Can anyone help before back into the cupboard it goes !

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