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Centre spot on Primary?

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Do I need to place a centre spot on the primary mirror of a 200p to help in collimating? Just watched a video of a laser collimator in use, and they utilise a centred spot..

Necessary or not?

Sorry if this is a bit of a basic question, but until a couple of weeks ago I had never heard of such a thing as collimation.

Quite understand the how and the why of it now, except for the spot.

Thanks for your patience with me


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Hi Frank

There should already be a centre spot on your primary mirror ..... factory fitted, it will look like a small translucent circle in the centre of the main mirror. hope this helps :smiley:

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Hi Frank.

Not all scopes come with a centre spot on the primary mirror as I found out with my celestron 130eq. You can centre spot it yourself. Care must be taken but hey if a noob like me can do it so can you :)

It's just a matter of removing your primary mirror and using a template to find the centre point. I myself printed a circle on transparent paper with cross sections to indicate the centre.

There are loads of information on the Internet

Frank if you require more detailed method of how to do. I believe you tube has a good clip on collimation in this method and there are good clips on cleaning your primary mirror if you happen to get it dirty like I did :(

Hope this helps :)

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Scope came today, less than 23 hours from ordering.....indeed there is a centre circle already fitted. ~Thanks for the help. Got it set up and just caught the Moon and Jupiter before the clouds came over. Takes one breath away!!!

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Hi Frank

Glad to hear the scope arrived and everything was ok, you should have some exceptional views from the area your in with good dark sky's ( thats when the clouds decide to go away )

In case your interested in whats involved in replacing the centre spot there are some very good videos on you tube as said, in particular have a look for one done by astroshed, who you'll find is a mine of information on all things astronomical and is a good watch as well.

Happy viewing and clear sky's

all the best Phil :laugh:

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