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Converting to 16bit

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Hello, I have a question on converting an image to 16 bit . I am just starting to get into processing I would like to know how to convert RAW data or JPEG data into 16 bit, so I can process in PS5

Do I do this in DSS or in PS .Thanks in advance


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You need to output from DSS in 16bit

You can stack a series of 8/10/12/14 bit images, which of course means you're exteneding the dynamic range, so you need more bits. If you output in 8 bit JPEG you totally undo all your hard work of stacking. You need to output from DSS in 16bit (or more if available) which rules out JPEG

FITS is the official astronomical format used by the professionals and will cope with any bit depth, usually 16 or 32 bit.

TIFF can be 16 bit (good), but can also be 8 bit (no use at all for the same reason as JPEG)

Once you've processed in PS, then you can output in JPEG to post on SGL or for printing.


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