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M31, M32 and M110


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Thanks Rory. I use Paint Shop Pro on my computer to produce my final sketches. I find this really useful as I dont have any great talent for art. Basically the technique I use is as follows:

  • First I produce a simple pencil sketch at the eyepiece just to get the overall form of the object and the positions of any bright stars in the vicinity. I can do maybe three or four of these sketches in a single observing session.
  • Once inside in the warm, and hopefully while the object is still fresh in my mind, I scan my sketches into PSP.
  • I then use PSP to re-draw the image on top of the original sketch, in this way I can be sure that the relative positions of stars etc are the same as in my pencil sketch.
  • Finally I use the Negative Image option to produce a white on black image which I print out and keep together with my pencil sketch in my Observation Log.

I find that even with my limited artistic capabilities this enables me to produce reasonably decent images which I think are a fair representation of what I've seen at the eyepiece. In particular I find the airbrush tool in PSP invaluable for producing nebulosity in my sketches.


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Thanks Stephen, this was the first time I've ever managed to see it and, in truth, it wasn't as prominent as it appears in my sketch. It was very faint, I could just make it out using averted vision, but I was eventually able to convince myself that I really was seeing it.


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