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Meteor crashing down in the East

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Anyone else in the US see that fireball that just crashing down? Looked like it came about through Cetus. So started about SSE and finished just shy of due East and just about my horizon. Lasted about a good 4-5 seconds. Saw it clearly break up into at least 5 pieces. Was mostly the bright yellow/orange color with a small flash of green just as it was breaking up. Was a real treat to start a beautifully clear night of imaging.

Oh and I'm located at about N40 degrees 40' and W 89 degrees 33' and was almost exactly at 7:30PM CST. Which is about 3 hours south of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Fireballs or "bolides" are fairly common but only a few dedicated astronomers ever get to see one (or more) so congratulations and welcome to the club.

Two years ago while living in New Mexico, U.S.A., in the middle of the night, I was awoken by a bright green glow coming through my bedroom window. Even with my eyes shut, the light was so bright it woke me up. Instinctively looking at my window, I got to see a huge looking bolide pass by the window view of the NNE sky. Talk about luck! The bolide was a bright green and appeared the size of my thumb at arm's length. As it passed into the NNE , it faded slightly before crossing the 50 mile distant horizon. Now THAT was a bright bolide! For the next few days, nothing reported on the radio or TV even though many interstate truckers in NM must have seen it.

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