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Jupiter 27th 23:50


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Hello everyone!

Finally got to take the scope out for a very quick half hour (work tomorrow :() so I set my sights upon Jupiter again!!

Here's a rough (very rough) sketch if what I saw! post-21692-135406259455_thumb.jpg

I've out a question mark to the GRS because it was sort of in and out of view! There's a chance I could've been idling it t be their and it "appears" or it actually was there! Haha if anyone has any pics or knowledge of where it a at that point and can let me now if I did see it or not, that'd be grateful!

I used the 10mm on its own, the 25mm on its own and both with a 2 x Barlow lens. The 25mm lens on its own brought out some nice detail which seemed small and delicate? If you know what I mean?

The 10mm on its own is what I used the majority of times because the 10mm with Barlow just gave me a slightly out of focus image. The 25mm lend with Barlow gave me almost the same view as the 10mm on its own.

There was brig, really bright, full moon tonight so maybe that's compromised my view.

I did enjoy it tonight! First time I've been out since bonfire night! :o :o :o

Thank you all for taking your time to read.



P.S please excuse my bad sketching hah!

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