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7mm Nagler variants

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I have been looking for a secondhand 7mm Nagler and found this on ABS http://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=62904

It is not a type 6 but as stated is not the original type 1...It seems to be an interim model of which I can find no mention. Does anyone know about these? I feel that if physically it looks like the later type 6 then the difference must be in the coatings on the lenses. All the same it looks (to me) like alot of EP for £120.

Any advice please.

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If its not a T6 then it's a T1. There were a few variants of the T1's - the early "smooth side" ones then the later ones with a rubber grip and integral rubber eye cup. The early T1 were Japanese made and the later ones, Taiwanese. I've owned a T1 (later model) and a T6 in the 7mm and the coatings, eye relief and general light throughput on the T6 were improved.

If you can get a photo the variant can be pinned down.

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