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Hello all,

I've not been on for a few months due to losing my wife to cancer in August, I havent been interested in taking scope out for obvious reasons but now feel i need to carry on where I left off, which was looking for an observatory, my wife and I were talking about it before she passed away and now im ready to order one, I've looked at alexanders observatories and like the 16'x10' with 6' warm room but was wandering if anyone else makes them, I dont want a dome as I like the idea of the flat roof and the warm room, The flat roof doesn't shout "hey theives I got astronomical equiptment in me"

SO basically need other manufacturers in or around the midlands. or has anyone in my local area got an alexanders obsy that they can comment on and maybe I could take a look at.


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First of all, I am sure I will not be the only one to offer my sincere condolences on your sad loss.

Nick erected my Alexanders observatory about 12 months ago and, apart from requiring another coat of Ducksback next Spring, the only real problem I have had was when the roofing felt blew off one night because of gale force winds. The roof was refelted and then battened to prevent a recurrance.

If you were reading our posts some 12 to 15 months ago you will know that Nick was behind with deliveries last year and his quoted 12 week delivery became 6 months. I don't know how he is performing this year but have not heard any grumbles about him for the last 12 months so sounds like he is back up to speed. I will say that I doubt you will be disappointed by the quality of his work.

Unfortunately I probably live about 100 miles from you but you are more than welcome to have a look at my observatory if you wish.

I did find someone in Morpeth (Northumberland) who builds ROR observatories. Their verbal estimate worked out at about the same as Alexanders but they refused to deliver to Lancashire and erect. The only other suggestion would be to sound out some local joiners.

Hope this helps.


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Condolences of course, and very sincerely. I'm very sorry.

I've made a number of different roll offs and found the designing of them great fun. I can't say I particularly enjoy making them, though. I just do it from necessity! Each site is different, each scope is different. You want to optimise the observatory for each situation. Because we have good horizons I prefer rolling roof and upper sides, not just rolling roof. Having a good think first and then contacting a joiner might well be a good move.

If you decided to do a design yourself then the community of like minded eccentrics is very lively on the DIY astronomers board and they are all keen to sell you their own obsessions (as I am!)

Trust me, though, a fixed obseratory is the best thing since the telescope itself...


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Thank you guys for your support,

Its good to hear from someone who has an alexanders obsy, I dont want to go down the road of desinging and then finding a joiner from the point of view that if i end up with a poor joiner then i end up with a poor obsy, I do like alexanders, I'll have to speak to them as I know there was a 10 week delay when i spoke to them in july and with the christmas holiday then can see that going up to 12-15 weeks easily. Still the universe isnt going anywhere hopefully.

Thanks guys,


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Hi Kev,

I should have said yesterday that I did consider self build and/or getting a local joiner to help before deciding on Alexanders. Nick has now built several hundred observatories and has overcome various problems and made design improvements along the way. While self build is an interesting and probably more rewarding way forward I just decided to let someone else do the hard work and avoid pitfalls.


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