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Celestron Nexstar 130 align every time

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Hi all, I just bought my first telescope, a Nexstar 130 and used it this morning around 5.00 am and had an unbelievable view of Jupiter and it's moons, set up and alignment was a doddle and it went straight to what I asked it to goto but I've noticed every time I switch it off it has to be aligned when switched back on again and the time shows the time it was switched off, just wondered if this was normal not to save the time, little bit annoying if it is.


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Yes, you realign every time you power it off/on, you will aso have to realign it fully if you move the mount when in use, as in move it from one part of the garden to another, and do not move the scope by hand as this also means that realignment is lost and so needs doing again.

Finally, if you tell it to goto M42, Orion Nebula, then you move the scope by the handset to look at say Betelguese, then you have to move it back to M42 before telling it to goto elsewhere. The scope went to M42 and will assume that wherever it moves from IS M42 it will not take into account your movement to Betelguese.

In simple terms: Do not move the mount, do not move the scope use the goto feature and do not switch it off until finished.

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Thanks, I just wanted to be sure it was normal as I got the scope from somewhere I had never used before (ilgs.com) and it was a lot cheaper than anywhere else, just hoped I hadn't bought a lemon, just read the instructions and it has got a hibernation feature but as you said, it will need re-alignment if it is moved at all.


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