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QHY5T autoguiding problems!

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I am beginner to astronomy and astrophotography. I have QHY5T color camera and it has option for auto guiding. Also I have Heq5 mount with auto guiding port. Laptop has win7/64.

I have succeeded to connect my laptop and mount using stellarium, so I think at least mount and the laptop are working

I have Nebulosity and PHD guiding programs and there is the problem. Both programs will not find and communicate with the QHY5T camera or HEQ5mount. Can anyone help me here?

I installed ASCOM drivers and latest drivers for the QHY5T.

I have also Atik16IC and it is working with Nebulosity, I can see stars and do frame and focus, take fits and stack. Atik has guiding port and PHD finds it but will not do auto guiding.

Stupid questions: How should I connect mount and autoguider camera? With stellarium I have to set up mount first and do alignment AND connect cable from the hand controller to laptop (RS232-USB adaptor)

Should I use autoguider port in the mount or hand controller, whit auto guiding. Do I have to run the alignment program with hand controller in order to set it ready for auto guiding?

I there somewhere manual for ultimate beginner to set up camera(s), mount and laptop and all cables?

No pictures last night


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This is how I do it.

HEQ5 pro is connected to pc using the cable supplied connected to the hand set. I have to set up the mount first, ie 1 or 2 star align before the computer will connect.

I use Cartes Du Ceil, when connected in CDC, using PHD just select the telescope button and ok (as the scope is already connected to the pc)

I use a QHY5 camera, select the ASCOM driver.

This works for me!

Good luck


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