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CG5 Eq help please!

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1st let me lay out what all I have tried...I am pointed at polaris, I have tried using several dif stars to align, I have taken everything off of mount and put it back together as per instruction, I am at my correct setting of 41 deg

I have checked to make sure my long & lat numbers time date etc are input correctly.

The problem is when I leave Polaris to align on a star I am off a hand width (technical term I know ha!) I have no idea how many degrees that is but from pointer to object star is about 4 inches to my left.

I got this mount several months ago and have used it numerous times with much sucess. I dont know whats wrong with it (or the operator) now. If there is someone who can tell me in really plain terms how

to fix it I would be very happy!



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The term "handswidth" would almost imply about 10 to 15 degrees which leads to Timezone or DST On/Off

Wyoming looks I guess from the manual that you are using -7 as the timezone (?), I equally assume that DST is ON.

If not then that is likely it.

Next the manual does not specifically mention aligning the scope on Polaris.

The mount will be centered on Polaris as part of the set up but then the manual says move the mount to align with the RA+Dec alignment marks. I am not saying that this is not aiming the scope at Polaris but it does not specify that it is.

Finally the scope is a long one and you will have a narrow field of view, immaterial of the data extered I doubt if the start position can be accurate enough to get the first star in view of the main scope. The mount will have to be almost 100% level as will your polar alignment, I mean better then 1 degree error and I suspect that very few people will get an accuracy of better then 5 degrees when setting up. So it could just be that the start position before the scope tries to find the first star is too far out.

This is not you but the system. The scope wants an accuracy of 1/2 to 1 degree, a person (with care) may get an accuracy within 5 degrees. Almost inevitably the first star will be nowhere in sight. I have a Mak on a goto thats how I learnt this.

Inevitably one good option is to hit the reset button and start again with all the data. Just write down all the data first and double check it before reentering. If you have one item wrong then it will all have to go. Convincing yourself there is no need to reset simply means the wrong data remains in and it does not align. Done that also and now the reset button is often considered as an option not a last resort.

Stupid question but Wyoming does use DST? Ask as I think one of the states in Australia doesn't bother, so when the other states move they do not. Causes problems. Just a thought.

Hog Park, Laramie or Cheyenne ?

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Capricorn, Yes DST is on, and I believe arizona is the only one of the continental US that doesnt use DST.

I understand the deg dif between Polaris and North thats never been a big issue after I 2 star then EQ north align

thats why I couldnt figure out what the heck I was doing wrong! It never occured to me to reset the handset and start over. I will give that

a try today. I am in the south west corner of wyoming about 5 hours from Cheyene (much prettier on my end of the state!) Thank you so much for the



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