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A while ago someone asked me how I do my mosaics, well here goes........

I know there are software packages that can do this - EQMosaic etc, but I have developed my own technique, I like to call it the "Make It Up As You Go" technique :grin:

I'll just put a list of points that may help someone concidering having a go.

Plan the ruddy thing!!! I usualy have a couple of images, and after having a look on CduC or something think "I can join them up!" NOT a good idea! Joining 2 images usualy ends up in having to do lots more frames than is nessissary ...So PLAN AHEAD!

Once I have a couple of frames in the bag I stitch them and import them into a graphics program and draw a grid over it, the grid size being a single frame box. Then number the boxes, I then create a set of folders on the comp with the grid numbers as folder names.


I make all my moves by eye, picking a star on one side of the frame and moving the mount to position the same star on an opposite side for the next frame, if it is in both frames you will have an automatic overlap.


Try to plan the mosaic so that it is one one side of the Meridian for a good part of the night, Im in the position at the moment where I have to do a Meridian flip part way through a night, and its a pain lining it all up again and having to make a move, remembering that everyting is upside down :confused:

For every panel I image I make a note of its RA/DEC coords. Goto is fine but once you have moved away from a main object its a pain finding the nights start point, so I note its coords and GOTO them for a start position.

If I havn't finished a panel in one session I return to it next time out using the coords, but if I have come to the end of a session and the next object requires a move, quite often I will do the move and just take a quick image 3 or 4 secs in LUM just to have a refrence frame for the next time out, you waste less time if you can line up on an exsisting frame, rather than going to a previous frame then making the move to the new one.

Well thats it.........I think, if anything else springs to mind I'll add it to the list

Have fun!!!

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