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Sun 29-7-2012 Ha + CaK


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The white bit under the lower left sunspot appeared as I was imaging over the course of minutes, and disappeared not long after. By the time I was packing up, there was another bright white bit developing about 9 o'clock of the same sunspot but no change seemed to happen after a minute or so, so I packed up and went for an ice cream to cool down :)

Someone said I might have overcooked the wavelets last time, and I did try a different setting this time. Weaker small detail contrast, but more at larger scale.

I did get prominences too, but they were relatively low level so I'm skipping the nightmare of processing and joining that for now. Something I never figured out well...


Some more CaK filter action. I got lazy and use the same optics as last time which I think is limiting ultimate resolution. Will have to do until I stop being lazy and make a solar filter for something a bit nicer.

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There was a small but nice flare off of AR1532 at 16:00. I took two images 7 minutes apart and I was surprised how much it changed over a short time

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Blame Apple for the typos and me for the content

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I wonder if we saw the same flare then. Looking it up, that's AR1532* we're both looking at. I started imaging around then.

16:04 My first surface data. Wasn't anything obvious happening.

16:05 Tiny bright arc forming under the spot. I say tiny, it's comparable in size to the spot!

16:15 Around the time of the Ha image above. The white bit is about at its peak size.

I then switched to CaK so didn't see any more of it.

16:49 Back to Ha, it's totally gone.

16:53 New bright spot forming to left of AR1532.

If I wasn't so lazy I'd extract some frames to illustrate it :D

*who gives out the AR designations? I had a google but couldn't find anything. Is there a definitive reference?

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My two images are at 16:09 and 16:16 :) I'll get them uploaded tomorrow when I get some real web access. I've got a high res image of the area taken before 16:00 when it wasn't visible as well taken at a focal length of 2500mm with a dmk21

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Blame Apple for the typos and me for the content

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