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Can anyone help with my NGC 6960?

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Had a quick play last night with the CG5 mainly to test the tracking and goto (well really to test my se of them!)

At last a clear night but my usual problem occured, my target fell behind a street lamp - so annoying! And so 80% of my subs are ruined but I did get just over 15 mins worth of data on the veil.

Have stacked in DSS with a 15 darks and a quick play with the processing tools in DSS reveals that interlacing structure that forms the witches broom. However chucking the stacked image into GIMP ( I dont currently have a copy of PS) and I lose the structure, no end of playing with curves and levels seems to sort it just get a fuzzy outline where it should be. I'll post the fits document here, anyone mind having a play for me or have any tips?? I know its only a little bit of data just frustrating you can see it on DSS but the dedicated image processing software loses it!

Should be available here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fc3n8420vckku7t

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