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Processing Albireo

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First evening in over a month was lovely and clear and decided that despite work early today - it was well worth heading out. Spent a large chunk of my evening photographing Albireo.

Got myself 64 30s ISO 1600 shots and every sub shows fantastic star colour. Dropped them in to DSS and got the usual grey image - if I up the saturation I simply get more blue and it has utterly lost the colour detail, the subtle blue/green of Alberio B and utterly lost the orange of Alberio A.

First time I have seen this target, yet alone processed it, other objects like M51, 42, 23 etc all managed to retain colour and I am confused as to why this is happening to me.

Attached is a single sub:


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It may be that the on-camera white balance is giving you the good star colours. Which method for background calibration, if any, are you using in DSS? To get correct star colours when there is little nebulosity, I always use RGB background calibration, so give that a go if you haven't already? Then, be careful not to blow the cores during post-processing.

On a side note, I understand that star colours can be lost at high ISO, though I guess not with 30s subs...

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