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Earths atmosphere

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How stable is our atmospere ?

It is stated our magnetic field protects us from solar wind stripping away our atmosphere, but how effective is this ?

Is there a loss that is made up by natural processes on earth ?

Atmospheric pressure at sea level is considered to be a constant, in our life time, in man's lifetime ?

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From a meteorology perspective, no the Earths atmosphere is not stable. With our tilit of 23.5 relative to plane of ecliptic, the Earth has some of the most extreme and unpredictable weather, but Uranus takes the cake for extreme weather with its >90 tilt. But however you mean by stability, I couldn't say.

As for the magnetic field, yes thes magnetophere does an excellent job of deflecting solar wind. Otherwise we would have ended up like Mars by now, with extreme solar wind erosion.

As for atmospheric pressure being (relatively) constant over the course of mankind being on Earth, I'd say yes, since we've only been on Earth for a tiny fraction of it's existence. But going back eons, thats a different story.

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Googling states that our atmospere has changed over time, initially dominant in methane and sulphurous gases, make you wonder that we are just here in a blink of time...........................

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