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Observatory Insurance


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Hi all,

I'm not sure where this topic fits in, so if it's the 'wrong' forum please let me know :huh:

Has anyone insured their obsy and equipment and if so who with and what are the best deals?

Cheers, Layor.

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I'm insured by the NFU, (National Farmers Union) for a coupleof reasons, the first being our house is 17th Century and classed as non-standard construction by normal insurance companies but the other reason is that they insure everything in your garage and outbuildings. They even cover your kids stuff when at Uni, my eldest son had 2 expensive bikes nicked at Uni (0ver a grand each) and they settled the claims no quibbles. My youngest son is at Uni doing Observational Astronomy, he's got an NEQ5, C8, William Optics ZS66, Atik 314L+, Atik EFM2 filter wheel, Baader norrow band and LRGB filters Canon 40D DSLR, to mention just the main bits; I checked with them and it's all covered at Uni as long as it's locked away when not in use. You have to prove forceable entry to make a claim and get a crime number form the local plod. They may not be the cheapest for a standard house but they were competitive for a Devon cob and thatch cottage.

The policy also covers small boats and riding tac!

Hope this helps

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Thanks for the reply Pete. I asked my home and contents insurer, The AA, but they would only cover up to £2000.

I've just built my obsy and although it is a wooden shed basicly, it was custom built and very strong and secure, lockable, and my son even bought an alarm for it.

The scope, a Celestron CPC800, is outside on a plinth and will have a metal RORO lockable storage 'sentry box'. Although if I am away for any length of time the scope will be taken in.

So, with all the equipment, CCD camera, filter wheel and filters, EP's, focusers, diagonals, computer, tools etc. It will add up to over £6000. ( My God, did I really spend that much!!!)

If the NFU will insure it then it has to be worth the premium!


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