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Looking for a new optic

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I'm looking for a new optic for deep sky astrophotography.

I currently own an FS60CB for wide field imaging and a VC200L for narrow field of view work (with or without reducer). Now I'm looking for something that sits in between. My current camera is an SBIG ST2000XM. What would be the best options taking into account price performance ratio. I will also be receiving a Losmandy G11 (non goto) mount shortly.

Thanks for any advice.

Kind regards,


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Obvioulsy not many people who can recommend me something? Let me give some more info:

Focal length should be somewhere in the 700-900mm range thus right in between the FS60 and the VC200L. The telescope will offcourse be mounted on the G11 and will be used for black and white astrophotography. Mostly using an UHC-filter but now and then for objects that would benefit with an H-alpha filter.

Today it seems there are plenty of options. In several optical designs. And truth be told. I'm a bit lost. I personally am very fond of refractors for their ease of use (no collimation to be worried about) But I am ready to consider other designs like mak newt or newton.

I haven't made up my mind on the exact cost but let's say that I'm not ready to spend a fortune. Preferably something below €2500,-

Thanks for any advice.


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Hi Woulter ,I would think any of the nice 100-110 mm f/6 - 7.5, ED doublets ( even triplets ) out there would be perfect for what you need . There is a huge choice today .

They are great glass and can be had at a price that was unheard of only 5 years ago .

I use my LP 90mm f/5 apo ( 500mm ) and Atik 314L as my imaging platform mostly , and get good results . I sometimes use my Tak FS60C to get good results as well .

You can see my scopes in the ' Welcome ' section under , " Hi from Darwin Australia " , yes the little Tak's are special allright .

Love mine .

It all depends on what you are willing to spend ?


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