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Easy targets near Polaris?

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Hey again all!

I'm hoping for some clear skies tonight... looks okay so far, but time will tell!

My plan was to have a go at polar alignment... it's a first attempt, so I'm not expecting to get much observing done, but just in case I surprise myself I'd like some advice!

I can't see very much from my garden... southeast is okayish if I'm looking over the trees (about 50 degrees above the horizon), but not brilliant. most other directions are trees, unless I look towards the zenith. Are there any easy targets around polaris that would be easy to find, and fun for first light with a new scope? (Astromaster 130 EQ-MD).

I've got stellarium so I should be able to work out where to look, but what's out there?

Thanks in advance,


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Depending on your Scope/Mount Aligning is pretty simple, You have Stellarium go to the "Sky and Viewing Options " and slide the Nebulars slider over to the right, what out there will pop up on your screen....

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Wow... diddn't know that was there! thank you!

I guess if I manage polar alignment, I'll try and start by splitting Mizar, and then hunt for M51 if it doesn't get too late!


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M51 is quite faint and will be difficult from a light polluted city area. You need a vary dark sky which you don't get at this time of the year so I'm not sure whether you will be able to see it.

Here is another useful resource:


You should be able to find M3, M5, M13, and M92.

For galaxies, you should be able to find M81 and M82 which are quite well defined.

You should also be able to pick ut Mars, but don't exepect any detail as its quite far away from us at the moment.

PS, You will split Mizare and Alcar with your finder, a good pair of binoculars and even with keen eyesight. The teslescope will show you another star between them. However if you want a more challenging target, if your view allows, try splitting 54 Leo.

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Thanks, that website is perfect!

I won't be too disheartened if I can't find M51 then... I've memorised how to star hop my way there from mizar anyway so I'll give it a shot even if I don't expect to find it! (I live in the countryside... still a fair amount of light pollution from the garden though).

I'll give M81 and M82 a shot, but I think the rest (except M92) are below the tree line =/.

I'll let you know how I get on, if the clouds hold out...


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