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Handset problem with Skywatcher tracking mount

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Hi guys,

I had this lovely Skywatcher AZ multi function tracking mount for my birthday and set it all up and plug in the handset and the up/down and left/right motion works lovely....

When pressing the two top left buttons to activate the tracking function however, as per instruction manual, nothing happens, well it certainly doesnt start tracking and no leds flash as indicated in the manual.

The handset however freezes and the only way to get control back is to switch the thing off and on.....

Any thoughts please?????

Thanks a lot, Tina

PS: i have already logged a call with the supplier, just thought I ask the question anyway......

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Hi Tina,

I have no experience of this mount but downloaded the instruction manual to have a look. The specific instructions say:

To activate the TRACKING FUNCTION, you must first find the astronomical object you are seeking. When you are ready to track (when the object is in the center of the field of view), press the "Guide" and "Slow" buttons in combination and tracking will be activated (Fig.l). When you want to cancel "tracking" and slew in higher speed, press the same button combination. Note that when tracking is activated, one of the "Guide", "Slow" or "Fast" buttons will flash."

Well those instructions couldn't be clearer and reading what you have already done, I agree that this might be one to return to the retailer. A lot of motor tracking issues can be found in a poor power supply or connection but you have indicated that the 'slewing' keys are able to move the scope about so it can't be that. What a shame given that it was a present as well.

Somebody else might come up with a suggestion, I hope they can as you don't want the hassle to returning kit. Keep us up to date on how this progresses.


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Hi James, thanks for your reply. As you say, the instructions are pretty fool proof....and I do use a fully charged Celestron Power pack to power the thing.... So annoying.......

Well, lets see what the supplier says on Monday....

Thanks, Tina:):(

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