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Solar equipment advise please

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I'd like to photograph flares from the sun but I'm not sure what equipment i could use I know that some solar telescopes are soo expensive I can't afford one. So is there any filters I can use on my camera or telescope

I have a 1000d and a skywatcher 150pl.

I was looking at Baader film to view the transit on the 6th but would it fry my camera if I attach it or is it just for observing?

Thanks :)

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Baader film is extreme safe providing you follow the manufacturers instructions. According to information supplied, "Baader AstroSolar Safety Film is made for the construction of high-quality objective-filters for observing the sun with telescopes, binoculars, camera or video-lenses. This foil is CE-tested and reduces the intensity of sunlight by 99.999%." So as you can see, it would be fine to use on your camera but you won't be able to view solar flares, only sin spot activity. If you are going to attach it to your scope, be careful to ensure that your optical finder is either removed or has it lens covers on so as not to induce and sunlight that might well end burning something.


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Flares are seen using solar (not deep sky) H alpha filters and such filters are really no cheaper than solar scopes complete. If you had one of these solar Ha scopes or filters you wouldn't want to use a colour camera with it because only a quarter of your pixels, those with the red filter in front of them, would be able to 'see' the Ha light from the scope.

Your camera would be more effective using Baader film.


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