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Does anybody use Filters in Series?

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Only recently started using a mono camera (HX916) plus a Filter wheel with LRGB filters.

I am interested to know if it is feasible to use for example an LP filter in series with the LRGB as I have never seen this mentioned in any of the forum discussions.

When (if) we ever get any clear nights I plan to experiment but would welcome any relevant information/experience.


Ian Smith

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Light pollution filters generally have a "notch" in the transmission curve that rejects to orange sodium vapor street lighting and sometimes mercury vapour "lines" too. But many LRGB filter sets ALSO have a "gap" between the red and green bandpass filters to achieve a similar effect. In short though [iMO], adding a random "light pollution" filter to an LRGB filter set, without *specific* purpose is only adding to complexity in a rather non-standard, indeterminate way... :)

Example: Baader LRGB response curves

I DO tend to leave a UV/IR Cut filter on my WATEC video camera nosepiece, but that mostly to stop dust landing on the CCD, without effecting the colours! Some chips are sensitive outside the visible spectrum and removal of e.g. near-visible, infra-red or ultra-violet may, (pardoxically, may not!) be desirable. But again without specific purpose you might as well remove any "unknown" additional UV/IR... :)

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