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Skywatcher 250px goto problems

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So the other day I received my first ever scope after a long wait. Excited I left work early to build the scope which was actually very easy, collimated and aligned the finder scope, again fairly easy and not too bad for a first attempt. Then clouds rolled in :) kinda half expected that anyway.

The forecast for tonight was cloudy but when I saw that they started to clear I couldnt resist taking it out, only onto the driveway for a quick test. Went through the synscan setup and did a successful star alignment on the first try, cool...easy. Mars was sat straight in front of me so that would be my first target but here's where I came unstuck. After having a go at manually lining up mars in the finder scope I then looked thought my 25mm EP. All I got was a bright light with the spider and secondary showing....spent a few mins going up and down withe the focus but nothing. I checked collimation, centered mars and still nothing :eek:

Feeling defeated and like I'm missing something I packed up and came into the warm, and straight onto the net. After 30mins searching I came across http://stargazerslounge.com/beginners-help-advice/161208-cant-focus-skywatcher-250-auto.html. Turns out I'm using both the 2inch adapter and the 1.25 adapter at the same time :confused: What a dumbass I am lol. Too late to try again now but maybe I'll get another chance tomorrow.

Anyone else got some dumb first mistakes to share? :(

Clear skies

Kane :)

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There's many of us mate! And a lot that have been in the exact same spot, but I think it would be better to put this into the astro lounge.

It'd have to be setting up the scope on a eq wedge pointing south for me.. oh the shame...:)

Admittedly, it did look right... it was dark ok..

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