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Cant quite get a clear picture

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Hi De Ho

Need to ask a few questions on collumation of newtonian using a laser, please try and keep any replies simple i am confused enough already.

This all started becouse my images will not attain the kind of focus and clarity i think i should be getting...i could be wrong.

First off the laser, i know its slightly out of alignment becouse its creates a small circle on a far wall when its rotated/rolled however this circle is about the size of the circular target on the main mirror so for the moment i am not too worried. I tried to fix it with the adjusters but seemed to be making it worse not better so its for now as good as it gets.

When i am collumating the newt I take the OTA off the mount and put it flat on a level surface with the eyepiece holder pointing straight up, I then place the laser in the eyepiece holder (vertically pointing down) so i dont need to tighten the holding screws it just sits there. The reason i do this is when i tighten up the holding screws the laser seems to move around a lot, i can rotate the laser and tighten it up each time 90deg moves and the target seems be all over the place, if i just place it in and spin it, it creates the small circle which when i turn the laser stays within the circle on the primary mirror. Thats why i have not bothered adjusting the laser again, its circling the circle so it must be centred ????

Is this theory ok or am i just messing it all up ????

Should the laser be fixed in place and screwed in or can i leave it just sitting in the eyepiece as i dont always lock the eyepieces in place ????

Lets presume i am not doing anything wrong and continue.

Aligning the main mirror is not a problem, just looking at the laser and making sure it going back in a straight line, it does bother me i have to do it each time i put the scope out, i am very carefull and the OTA is stored away in a safe place but i still have to do it time and time again.

How long should i leave the OTA out before i start ???

Should i only alight once on the mount ???

Secondary mirror, hate this thing and avoid it if i can but i have been told that the screw in the centre must be loosened prior to any adjustment being done ????

I could go on about this all day and not make things any clearer but surfice to say i need a cleared more focused view when taking photographs at prime and through

an eyepiece projection unit....

If anyone could help it would be appreciated, im off to troll the net for answers, cheers....

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