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Do barlow lenses work on any scope?

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Hi, was thinking about getting a barlow lens sometime next week, what i need to know is does it matter which make of barlow lens i buy? For example do i need a Skywatcher barlow lens for a Skywatcher scope, or does any make work on any telescope?

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Barlow are made by different manufacturers, but are not restricted to a particular make of telescope. They come as x3 or x3, which means they can doublke, or triple the power of any eyepiece.


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Barlow are made by different manufacturers, but are not restricted to a particular make of telescope. They come as x3 or x3, which means they can doublke, or triple the power of any eyepiece.


Thanks =) Are they also all the same size? I don't want to buy one and find out it doesn't fit.

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Hello, Barlows are available in different barrel sizes(the part that goes into the foccuser). There are 1.25inch and2inch ones. Just measure the base of your eyepieces and get one that size.

Thanks, is that the width or the length?

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i`m new to all this myself, but have seen the difference with quality on lenses, you get what you pay for, the tal range seems to get good reviews they are £36 from first light optics

Yeh thought so, i guess i'll go for one of them then, dont want to buy a cheap one and find out it's worthless.

Thanks everyone =)

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