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Help with my first scope!!!!

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Hey all,

How's tricks?

Are any of you geting any more viewing luck where you are, or are the skies just as cloudy as they are in sunny hertfordshire?! :D

I think i've found my first scope, (ahh bless!) It's on FLO and it's the SKYHAWK-1145, is it good, bad or ugly? Any other alternatives are greatly appreciated?

Clear Skies


xx :lol:

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Hiya Fern and welcome to SGL.

You are embarking on a wonderful hobby, and you have decided on your first telescope. I have had a look at what you have decided to buy, and it certainly looks a nice piece of kit, and with a motor to drive in Right Ascension too,That is a bonus on an instrument that is quite reasonably priced. That feature will enable you to follow your target object without having to move the scope with your hands, which can cause a lot of shaking of the scope and thereby spoil the view a bit.

Can I ask if you sought any advice before you decided on what you wanted. I know money is a big factor in Astronomical telescopes. So if your budget is taking you to that scope, then that's fine.I don't want to place any influence on your choice.

If you need any advice, just put your questions to the forum, you will get answers thick and fast.

Good luck with the hobby.

Ron. :D

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Hi Fern,

I've never used one myself, but they are well regarded and I'm sure will serve you well. But if you want any alternatives, then as Ron said, it'd be nice to know what kind of budget you're on.


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