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March 24th, M3, M81 and M82 and Saturn

dark star

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I went out for a few hours with my 250mm reflector. I had a look at Mars, couldn't see very much. My 150mm Intes MK66 Mak seems to work better on this.

Spent a long time trying to find the Leo triplet of galaxies, as usual could not see them, I think they are impossible in light polluted skies.

I then found M3 a globular cluster in Canes Venatici. This looked great, I haven't seen it for a long time! I then found M81 and M82, which I used to struggle to find. I now find a small triangle of stars, like an arrow, and this always helps me to find them.

I then had a look at Saturn, which looked amazing with the rings and I think I could see some clouds, plus the darkness between the rings and the planet.

I went to bed around 3am very happy!


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