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Money well spent.

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hi guys just thought would give a quick update, its been a week since bought new scope (200p,EQ5), tonight was the first semi clear night we have had so havent been able to see much but..... have to say money well spent as had a reasonable view of jupiter and venus, my god compared to using my sw hawk 114 the 200p... its like taking a 35mm film camera to a party where everyone else has digital lol.

was looking at one star so beutiful (sorry for the spelling lol) changing colour blue to white over and over have never seen anything so amazing and even though i wear glasses was really impressed how easily it was to focus the scope.

i let the scope cool for about 45min and then have had a good hour viewing before cloud came across.

so yeah can deffenatly recomend the sw 200p

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Like you, I am on a new purchase buzz of thew SW 200P. 2-3 viewings so far but the best has been on a cloudy night. Jupiter moons nice and clear as well as the planetry banding!

Already itching for that little bit more detail but waiting to see if it is the viewing clarity stearing this or the EP optic quality..scary money pit ahead!! not too different from my last interest!

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Glad you're getting into the scope and hope the weather clears up a little more. I was figuring of getting pretty much the same set up as you guys as my first scope, but for some reason, my heart just couldn't say no to the Tal.

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have to say where i live is on the corner of the row of houses and theres 3 street lamps right in the way, plus 2 trees at either side blocking most of the ways i want to turn the scope lol but even with that the scope wasnt affected that much, well not as much as i was expecting:-) but deff incentive to find a good place to take the scope on a good night.

yeah madandy think would have to agree with you am deff on a buzz lol this is an upgrade on my scope i had, am considering getting some better ep's but think in regard to them ive good a bit more reading to do, got a new camera in the pipeline now for doing some astrophotography which i would like to have a go at just have to save the money up lol

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I am just as pleased as you with my new 150P Dobsonian. 3 good nights viewing so far and some brilliant views of Mars, Saturn and beautiful star fields.

I am looking forward to the moon coming around again and finding somewhere to take the scope so I can see Venus and Jupiter.

I just need to get a bit of help with locating galaxies and I will be sorted!!!!

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hi squash, theres a few good astronomy apps out there both for the comp and for ipad or HTC mobiles, for the comp i use Stellarium which is free and is a really good prog, im only a begginer myself even though ive had a scope for a long time, never really had the time to spend or the funds lol.

another good prog you can get is google sky map if you either have an htc or an ipad. the good thing about it is that it uses gps to track your location and show you the stars around you also if you use the search function it has it will guide you to a particular star or planet you are looking for. i have it on my moby its a brill little app and i beleive there is a topic on the forum somewhere that shows you how to make a home made mount to attach your moby to your scope.

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A little over a year ago I bought a CG5+SW200P used package. I wanted the CG5 only, but the seller didn't want to split. I figured I would sell on the SW200 and recover it's part of the package price. One look through was enough to make me keep it. The SW200 gets far more use than I ever imagined. A really good scope for the price.

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well had the scope out last night as was a good clear night (second night, doing well hehe), during the day had got the finder scope aligned correctly, lined up on jupiter omg i was breathless lol here i was looking at all 4 moons and jupiter looking through the scope was about the size of a large nut, could see the bands of colour was fantastic.

think i need to invest in a dew shield because was a lot of dampness when the scope finally cooled down for veiwing, and cant wait for the moon to rise, if thats the size of jupiter in a 200p hows the moon going to look:-) its going to be great.

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