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astrometry.net, FITS Liberator


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I have just discovered astrometry.net and it is amazing! I got my first plate solved by astrometry.net and... it contained nothing interesting. There is as a patch of sky next to the beehive cluster (just south of Lynx) with apparently nothing in it :-) Yes, I am clueless enough to miss the Beehive cluster with a 55mm lens. But I'm not downhearted - I got round stars with 2 minute subs.

And I discovered a new way to remove city gradients from images. Instead of just blurring and subtracting the blur from the image (which makes stars in bright areas faint) I first subtract a star layer from the subtraction layer - so the stars are undimmed by the gradiant removal.

And I used FITS Liberator for the first time to stretch the data. FITS Liberator 3 does not require photoshop so I can use it for my stretching needs, as long as I can figure our which of the mathematical formulae give the right curve. :)

Now my tool chain involves DSS, FITS Liberator, Astrometry, and IRIS. I almost forgot GIMP! I use less software at work.

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I love asrometry.net but prefer the old webpage and not the new. I use it a lot for initial setup after i've re-mounted everything in the observatory.

Enviado desde mi GT-I9003 usando Tapatalk

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