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CG5 GT question...already...


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finally got to take the set up outside last night. didnt bother with an alignment, i only had a few minutes before the clouds were to be overhead and i was checking a collimation temp theory. question is this, when i use the buttons to move the scope up=left down=right

right=up left=down...is this due to the way the mount rotates? its not a big issue as it only took a second to figure out directions, just curiosity. I have only had the mount for 2 days so more to learn and i am sure it will be the least of my headaches! on the upside i did get to see venus! it looked like a half moon but it was still pretty nifty!

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Excellent, sounds like your off to a fine start with it :)

I can't help with your question unfortunately, sorry.

I keep thinking about getting a used CG5-GT.

Hope you don't mind me asking but did you get it second hand, and about how much was it? Ignore me if you do!

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