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EP's and Field of View

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Can someone please suggest what would be the next best EP to buy please as i'm getting confused. I have a f/7 scope so what next 4mm,6mm,24mm??????? Also what about Field of View 50 or 60 degree or something else??? I already have a H20mm and H12.5mm that came with the scope but i'm looking to buy more.

Hope someone can help?

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What scope do you have ?

The H (Huygens) eyepieces probably won't be doing it any favours so replacing those might be a good starting point.

Some idea of budget would be helpful as well as eyepieces range in price from £20 to £500+ !

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I am in the same predicament in that I have three SkyWatcher EP's, 10, 25, 32 and although they appear to be fine for casual observing, I'm not sure that I'm not missing something that would become more apparent with better EP's. Prepared to spend £60 - £80 per EP.

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I am in the same predicament in that I have three SkyWatcher EP's, 10, 25, 32 and although they appear to be fine for casual observing, I'm not sure that I'm not missing something that would become more apparent with better EP's. Prepared to spend £60 - £80 per EP.

With respect, I think the original poster is in a different situation from yourself and will probably have a different scope from you. When we know what scope / budget he / she has we can help with his query.

By all means start a new thread on with your question though :)

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As I said in my earlier post, the H20 and H12.5 eyepieces you currently have will not be doing your scope any favours at all. Standard plossls, like the ones that sologuitarist61 already has, would be a big improvement and they will have a slightly wider field of view too.

First Light Optics do the Skywatcher plossls for around £20 each:

First Light Optics - Skywatcher SP Plossl eyepieces

Or there are the better quality Vixen NPL plossls for £30 each:

First Light Optics - Vixen NPL eyepieces

Focal lengths such as 25mm, 10mm and 6mm would be useful with your scope giving magnfications of 28x, 70x and 117x. You can still use the eyepieces supplied of course but I suspect you won't when you have tried something a bit better :)

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