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From little acorns......big trees and that


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As I reported earlier in the Astro Lounge (a bit of a rant) I had the scope out to cool down and all was clear, apart from the fact that the local hockey club had decided to turn on their Wembley style floodlights and had empited my sky pretty much (to the South/South East at least). I don't have a Northerly view. I played around with the good old stalwarts Pleiades, Hyades and M42 toward the west (still can't find the Crab Nebula but I will not be defeated)

Went inside for a few hours to rant on here and watch the footie and tried my luck post 10pm.

Very glad I did, as the jolly hockey sticks had all gone home, turned out the lights and given me an eastern/southerly view once more. Leo and Virgo were all mine, mwhaa haa haa (evil laugh). Saturn wowed me once again and I think I made out 3 moons in all, but perhaps they were background stars (anyone care to confirm?). Still inexperienced in telling the difference to be honest. Also got a good look at Mars, but still struggling to make out definite detail, although caught glimpses here and there after longer observing. I'm sure I did.

Also took a look at M82 and M81, and saw them for the first time from my garden (only seen from darker site before now). Very chuffed. Stopped off at a few double stars for good measure but had to pack it all in for work tomorrow. A real shame, as I could've stayed out all night. Relatively good "seeing" (the best I've had with the new scope anyway) and a nice mild evening too.

I go to bed to dream of space. Bliss

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