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Spare dovetail foot?

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I have 2 skywatcher scopes and one rigel finder.

What I would like to be able to do is fit a foot on the rigel base so that I can use it instead of the optical finders on the scopes.

I have done various google searches but not really found anything that does not cost a fortune, and I am also confused as to wheter I want a..




Any suggestions, as long as they are legal and not too offensive would be welcome.

Thanks in advance.

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Its not the base for the rigel thats the problem I have that, infact I have a spare.

The problem is that the base for the optical finder is a permanent part of the scopes and I was just wondering if I could get hold of a "dovetail" to fit in the optical finders slot on the scope so I could attach the base for the rigel onto it.

I dont particularly want to buy another finder as I only very occasionally use the second scope. I was just for those occassions when I want to use it.

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I would drill a hole in the scopes to securely fit the Rigel foot.

When/if sale day came, then I would either include the Rigel, leave the foot, or keep the foot and fit a blanking screw & nut.

I have owned, and do own, scopes with surplus holes and don't have a problem with blanking screws. Though some do insist on a pristine tube.

Ir also depends on the type of scope and your confidence with a drill.

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