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March 2012 Comets

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All other comets are 12th mag. or fainter.

Feel free to post your successes or failures in detecting these comets.

C/2009 P1 GARRADD at 6.3 mag. with a 10' coma in U. Minor, moving into U. Major bt month's end and fading to 8th mag. Can be seen in 10x50 bins early in the month all night long. Finder Chart:http://cometchasing.skyhound.com/comets/2009_P1.pdf

21P GIACOBINI-ZINNER at 10th mag. with a 3' coma in Pisces, moving into Cetus by month's end and fading to 11th mag. low in the western sky after dusk up to 40 degrees lat. Finder Chart:http://cometchasing.skyhound.com/comets/21P.pdf

C2012 C2 BRUENJES at 10.6 mag. with a 3' coma in Pisces and fading to 11.6 mag. at month's end, low in the western sky after dusk. Finder Chart:http://cometchasing.skyhound.com/comets/2012_C2.pdf

78P/GEHRELS at 10.6 mag. with a 5' coma in Aries, moving into Taurus by month's end and fading to 11th mag., low in the western sky after dusk. Finder Chart:http://cometchasing.skyhound.com/comets/78P.pdf

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