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Much Difference Between The CPCs & The HDs?

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Don't get me wrong i don't want to buy one. I'm more than happy with my CPC, but are the HD versions really that much better. The price is alot higher. What would you notice quality wise over the CPCs?


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The Edge HD optics are very nice visually as well as photographically. They also have mirror clutches and cooling vents. Is that worth the extra money? That is for the buyer to decide I guess, but like anything telescope related you start getting diminishing returns at the higher end of the price scale.



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Being the owner of an 11 inch Edge HD, and having owned standard SCT's in the past, I can say that the Edge is vastly superior photographically, bit pretty much the same visually (it's very good mind you).

I never had much of a problem with mirror flop in my older scopes, so although perhaps the extra mirror locks are helping, it's not something I've noticed.

Re. the cooling vents.....as my scope lives in an observatory at ambient temperature anyway, they make no difference.


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I have a 14 inch Edge HD which I store inside. I have never done a scientific test, but when I first put my scope outside standing on its corrector end you can feel the hot air streaming out of the vents if you hold your hand over them, so I believe they must improve cool down times.

Like you Rob, I have no idea if the mirror locks help as I do tend to have the primary locked in place all the time and use a Crayford focuser for fine focus.



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