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A few questions obout skyliner 250px

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Hi all,

I am getting my first ever telescope in March for my birthday I have gone for the skyliner 10" 250px due to budget I am not getting the GOTO model but the standard maual. I have a few questions

1, Will I be able to take half decent photo images with this scope

2, Should I replace the stanard EPs straight away and if so what would be a good EP for both plantes and dso

3, What planet images should i expect to see just wondering how much detail / size and colour this scope will deliver (just a general indication would be good)


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- Basically, there will be no photography. Astrohphotography is a pretty specialised and usually expensive hobby. Leave it for later.

- Probably you should use the standard eyepieces for at least a little while. Your first step should probably be to add a new eyepiece with a new focal length rather than to replace one outright. It all depends on money, interests, etc. Play it by ear.

- Most people are surprised at how small a planet looks through a telescope. Detail will depend upon atmospheric stillness (the "seeing") and your experience. Spend time at the eyepiece and you'll start to see more detail. If you just take a quick look you will be disappointed by what you see.

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