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Skywatcher Skymax 127 SupaTrak

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What are all your thoughts on the Skywatcher Skymax 127 SupaTrak as my first scope?

My budget is £300 so this seems to perfectly fit the bill.

I am most interested in planets and portability and this scope is good for that as far as my research shows.

Any other telescopes you could recommend would be very helpful.

Thank you.

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Hi Soots. I've got the Celestron version which is pretty much the same scope just branded differently, and I love mine. It's portable enough to fit in the back of my car, but powerful enough (at the moment) for everything that I want to do. Don't expect to be able to photograph DSO's (or even see much of them) but for lunary and planetary work I think it's the best bang for your buck.

A couple of things to consider though:

You're going to need a power supply. I suggest a Maplin one rather than a Skywatcher torch come power supply - a lot cheaper and probably better quality.

Once you get into it you'll be after a few more EP's, a barlow or two and other bits and bobs. It soon starts to add up.

I'm not in a position to recommend any alternatives to you but I suspect other will be able to help you. Good luck with whatever you choose.

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Hi Soots. Bigeye has it right. The scope won't slew or track without power but aa batteries can be used. That said, on the couple of occasions I've used batteries they've not lasted a whole night and when you consider they were Duracell so about £4 for 8, it soon adds up. £25 for a Maplin PSU soon starts to look like pretty good value.

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