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My latest upgrade plan


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If I had a scope for every upgrade plan I've had, I would be Patrick Moore!

My latest one is to combine photography and astronomy. I figure I can get 2 minutes exposure with my SE mount in equatorial mode, at a focal length of 50mm at least. So I'm going to get the Canon 50mm F1.8 and a light pollution clip filter. Assuming that works OK I will add a 100 or 135mm lens, which should be good for 45 second exposures. That's not too bad if shooting at F2.8. Then next year I will add a proper mount and the year after a nice big scope to put on that mount.

The SE mount is basically a barn door, and not even a good one :-(

I will be able to test the focal lengths with the 55-250 zoom I am buying now.

This solves my chicken-egg problem, where I can only afford a scope or a mount but obviously I need both!

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Sounds like a cunning plan to me! :D

The Canon 50mm 1.8 is an astonishingly good lens for the money. The Mk 1 metal version (now oop) is even better, but will probably cost you at least twice as much, if you can find a good second-hand example.

Good luck, and don't forget to post some images.

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I've been able to get some modest results with an st80 (400mm at F5) so going nearly two stops faster at one third or one eighth of the FL has to work better. And of course, by christmas I will have some cool lenses for my camera!

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