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Yet another "What scope?" post ;-)

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I have been interested in astronomy since childhood which was a few years ago now. I haven't had much luck with observational astronomy because I tried it using a telescope from a camera shop which I was only ever able to use in a town garden in a light polluted Cheltenham.

Anyway, spurred on by the BBC's recent coverage of the hobby, I found out about the Swindon Stargazers, which I have joined already. I hope to meet some locals there in due course.

I am seeking more advice before purchasing a scope, as I desire a scope that provides the best balance between ability to see objects nicely, ease of use, stability and (very importantly) portability. Portability because Swindon (where I live now) has a distinctive orange glow about the sky which I can get away from but the scope has to fit in the boot of a Vauxhall Corsa!

At some point in the future, I would like to try and get photos taken, perhaps through a webcam at first, but that is perhaps in the distance once I get used to observing with my eyes.

Any advice gratefully received.

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