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Maplins PowerTank question

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I've just bought one of those 17aH car battery power tanks from Maplin. Looks good but I have a slight concern over the fact that the 12v outputs don't seem to have an on/off switch, so I have to plug things in "live", as it were.

Just wondered if this could cause any damage to my equipment. If I am plugging in live, which end of the power lead I should plug in first?



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Shouldn't be an issue. If you're concerned, you should plug the lead into the power supply first, then the telescope, so that any arcing and fluctuations in voltage and current won't reach the telescope's electronics. Being a smaller connection, such fluctuations are likely to be less than with the bigger, crude cig plug.

I'd be more concerned with the fact it's from Maplin. I used to work there, so I'm negatively biased, but I wouldn't trust it as far as I can throw it. Oh, wait, no, actually It's cheap lightweight maplin rubbish, I could actually throw it into orbit... :) My point is, I'd get a multi-meter on it before using it to power any delicate electronics. Make sure it's hovering around 12v, and not 18v, 23v, etc...

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