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celestron C6 S or SGT????

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im after a new scope, and i think im pretty much decided on the celestron C6 SGT. i plan on buying this scope as my first scope and it lasting me many years without needing to upgrade.

now david hinds and FLO are do the S version with a free barlow lens. but the GT version doesnt have anything thrown in.

now the free barlow appeals as does the £200 saving. but i think i would like goto. so can i add goto to the standard model at a later date? and if so how much would it cost to do this?


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If your plan is to get GOTO at a later date then i would wait another month or so and then get it with the scope rather than "upgrade" it later,i bet it work out more expensive if you did it the other way around.

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thanks for the replies.

i can afford it if i want the GT. it just the none GT is such a good deal with the free barlow. shame the GT doesnt have this offer too cos then i wouldnt hesitate to get it. but having to outlay another £70 to get the barlow, plus more money for extra lenses soon adds up, whereas the none GT one would save me the £70 stright away.

@adam, is there no way you could do the same deal with the GT?? :)

(cheeky i know, but if you dont ask you dont get)

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