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Which way are these moon shots inverted?

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Using my iphone 3gs i took some afocal shots of the moon last night using my skylux 70/700 telescope with star diagonal attached.

I was surprised how good they turned out and i cant wait to get my DSLR attached!

Anyways - i'm now looking at the shots and trying to compare them to moon maps but i just remembered the images i have are actually inverted - hence my confusion/difficulty finding things on the map.

What way are they inverted? in photoshop should i be mirror imaging them? rotating left/right 180? or what?

When viewing the moon i thought i was looking at the top right (about 2 oclock if it was a clock face) but now im confused :)



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Hi barkis,

Thanks for that,much appreciated! So it's a straight mirror image then. The sharpening really helps as well. I'm quite surprised at the results from a phone camera handheld over the EP! I think I'll order a t ring/adaptor for my Nikon d40 shortly :(

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Phone cams are no slouches when it comes to afocal imaging.

If you look far enough back in the Lunar Imaging section, you will find a member called Steelrat, who employed that method on a regular basis, with very very good results.

However, that said, the popular, and generally thought best method, is via a webcam. Plenty examples of those too in the lunar sectiomn. Look for the Mosaics using the webcams.


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Remember, as the earth rotates, the moon changes position in the sky, It also seems to rotate as it does so, but it is earths curvature that creates this effect. The terminator, the bit between light and dark, will look in different in the east, than in the west as the moon sets.

Watch the Orion Constellation as it rises in the east. It appear to lie on it's side. When it arrives due south, it is staight up and down. when it sets in the west, it goes on to it's other side.

This is a pic. of the virtual moon further advanced in it's waxing phase, but this will look like this when due south.



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