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Newbie with Skywatcher 130AZ goto HELP!!!

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I got the 'scope a few days ago and I'm chuffed already with views of the moon and Jupiter, and a nice peep at the Orion nebula....


I just can't get the alignment bit to co-operate!!!

I'm choosing 'brightest star' as the easiest way, and the handset immediately suggested Jupiter.

Fine, easy to locate, centre and enter.

THEN the handset says '2nd star'.


Most of the options seem to be stars I've never heard of so I have no idea where they are, or they're behind houses, walls, etc...... (I'm in a built up area) and even whan I DO find a 2nd star, cente it etc, when I press enter, it asks for ANOTHER star, when the instructions say It only needs 2 objects.

I spent a freezing 2 hours trying to align, but then gave up.

Do I have to go through this rigamarole EVERY time I use the 'scope??????


I bought a goto as I don't know much about star locations etc, but it seems I need to have a 'star map' knowlege to align the thing.

Surely it can't be this complicated every time I want to do a bit of stargazing?

So far, I've spent 2 hours fiddling about and 10 minutes looking that I did manually anyway.


The kit came with 10mm and 25mm eyepieces, and a 2 x Barlow.

Can anyone suggest eyepieces to give bigger, clearer views of deep sky stuff or planets like Jupiter and Saturn?

Many thanks, Roy.

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You will need to know a bit about the sky to align your scope I'm afraid. The best thing you can do is down load the free prog Stellarium and identify visible stars in your area. If you have a smart phone you can get an app such as pUniverse then you can hold the phone up to the sky and it will identify what you are looking at. Secondly, don't use brightest star alignment. It's useless. Use the two star alignment. I found the goto to be very good when I had that mount.

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