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How old is my 8 inch LX200?

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Hard to answer I guess, but it would be neat to know a bit more about it!

Here is what I know:

-Made by Meade in Irvine, CA - USA

-Serial# 837772

-High Precision Pointing (This sticker on the base seem to have been added afterwards?)

-Database 64.000+ (Heard earlier versions only had around 700 objects, dont know if that's true or not)

Edit: Bought it 2nd hand at Khanscope, Ontario Canada around 1999-2001 I think. It looked pretty new at that time and I always assumed it was manufactured around those years but not so sure anymore coz looking at the tripod it's a bit bruised and scarred which I never really paid that much attention to before. It seems to have seen a lot of light!

Further questions:

It hasn't been used for, well, lets say nearly 10 years. Been sitting in the box ever since. Shame! But I find it too bulky! Hope to change that soon. So: Any known problems with letting the electronics rest in the box that long?

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