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Problem with double vision.

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I went out and got myself a cheap pair of 10x25s just so id have something to help a little bit when I go down to the country this week. I was testing them out and they were fine at first .... now they are seeing double vision. I try and put the thing on the 0 instead of the plus or - and focus it with the focuser but i still see double vision. What can I do to fix this?

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firstly, make sure you have the spacing for your eyes, if its out, this can cause double (flex the binoculars out and in from the sides)

other than that, have you knocked or dropped them? they may have lost their alignment and may need re-collimating and that, in bins, is a pain in the rear

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If they are "cheap" and the colimation is off, why not try aligning the objective yourself. Its not that hard and if you mess up, they can't be any worse than now.

See if the ring around the objective lenses can be unscrewed . If so, unscrew it off and look for a very thin metal ring that holds the lens in place. It will have two slots or notches opposite each other. Try to unscrew the ring so that the lens can now be revolved in its holder with your two fingers. Be careful not to scratch the lens when loosening the mounting rings.

Once the lens can easily be spun around, hold the binos up to a star after letting your eyes focus to infinity, then view the star without refocusing your eyes (takes a little practice) with the bins. With your eyes focused at infinity, spin the lens with two fingers on opposite sides of the lense till the double image goes away or gets better. then tighten the locking ring and do the same to the other lens if needed. Then test the bins on a star with eyes focused to infinity and do another adjustment if needed. Once the doubling is gone or only slightly present, replace the lens holder covers and your'e finished.

Iv'e done this to several bins and it works well as long as you can keep your eyes focused to infinity while adjusting the lenses.

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.... now they are seeing double vision. I try and put the thing on the 0 instead of the plus or - and focus it with the focuser but i still see double vision. What can I do to fix this?

They are out of collimation. Do not try to fix this yourself or you will invalidate any warranty. Return them to wherever you bought them and get a refund.

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