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List of early target objects

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Hi All,

Thus far in three uses of my new Skyliner 150p I have seen the moon, Jupiter, the Orion nebula and seven sisters. What I intend to do, using my old copy of Atlas of the Night Sky, is to gradually increase the scope of observation per session including at least a new object per night. At present, I'm using just a finderscope and my (rusty) knowledge of the constellations. I plan to get either a digital altitude thingy or telrad, though I think a collimation eyepiece should come top. So I guess my question is: can you suggest the best objects this time of year in terms of ease of find? I was thinking of next looking for M31 plus that double star in the plough handle.



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You should go check out m31 as soon as you can. It's not hard to find at all. Make sure you use a low power ep first of all.

I was able to view the crab nebula as a grey wisp using my 130p. Perhaps it will show up better for you. Other than that I've seen the same as you :-)

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